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Nikon D90: Custom Picture Controls


First and foremost I'm sorry because my English is very poor.
Second, I have to post this entry in English because somebody asked me to do it in English.

It has been a while since somebody asked me how did I manage to 'install' new 'Picture Control' or 'picture styles' into my Nikon D90 DSLR camera on my 'picture gallery blog' . I promised that person that I'll dedicate a blog post for him/her but time constraint holds me from doing so  I'm very busy lately.

So here it is,
1) First step, you have to download the 'Picture Styles' which is named '' via this LINK.

2) Next, insert your SD card into your 'SD card reader' and plug it into your PC (or you can do it using your laptop - My laptop has a card reader so it is easy for me)

3) Unzip the file and you should see a 'folder' named NIKON. Copy the folder and paste it into your SD card folder. Your card may vary but mine shows exactly like this picture below.

4) If you click into that NIKON folder, you should see another 'folder' inside it named 'CUSTOMPC'.

5) Inside that CUSTOMPC folder are the 'picture controls' that I've downloaded from JapanOrama and KenRockWell's websites (if I'm not mistaken).

6) Put your SD card back into your camera and go to 'SHOOTING MENU' - Manage Picture Control - Then you should see a  menu that says 'Save/Edit' , 'Rename' , 'Delete' , 'Load/Save'. Go to the 'Load/Save' and load your new custom 'Picture Controls' 


If you have difficulties while doing this, feel free to ask in my comment section. I'll be happy to help if I can
Until next time.  


Unknown said...

sorry, i've tried exactly like your tutor, but when i klik load in manage picture control, it said no picture control in your SD card, help me please..

Unknown said...

sorry, i've tried exactly like your tutor, but when i klik load in manage picture control, it said no picture control in your SD card, help me please..

cicak said...

hi bimo satrio,

check your folders. The folder named "CUSTOMPC" must be inside the folder named "NIKON".

or you can try changing the file names from "PICCON01.NCP" to "PICCON00.NCP".

All the best

Unknown said...

It worked for me!